The Review of Economic Studies is one of the core journals in economics. It is essential reading for economists, consistently ranking among the top five journals.

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Turnaround statistics for submissions (September 2021 - February 2022):

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Mean decision time on new submissions
53 days
Mean decision time on a first round submission that ends in resubmission decision
141 days
Decisions > 7 months (210 days)

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Recently published in REStud, ``Stock Market Participation, Inequality, and Monetary Policy,'' from @davide_melc and Sterk:

Recently accepted to REStud, ``The Impact of Online Competition on Local Newspapers: Evidence from the Introduction of Craigslist,'' from @MNDjourel
@RDurante_2020 @gregmartinphd:

@RevEconStudies I am obviously over the moon to see this out after 7 years. Happy, but even more so relieved.
Will eventually write a thread summarizing it.
Meantime, two important things:
1. infinite gratitude to the fantastic Editor @SorryToBeKurt and all who supported this, visibly or not 1/2

``THANK, a tractable HANK model captures analytically core micro-heterogeneity channels of quantitative HANK; the paper uses the former to elucidate key transmission mechanisms and dynamic properties of the latter."
Recently accepted, from @FlorinBilbiie:

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