The REStud Tour (formerly known as Review of Economic Studies May Meetings) has been held annually in May since 1989. Every year, in line with the Review’s tradition of encouraging the work of young economists, some of the most promising graduating doctoral students in economics and finance in the world are selected to present their research to audiences in Europe. The meetings take place at the economics departments or institutes of three or four universities across Europe. Standard seminar presentations are given over two days to audiences invited by the local hosts and which include members of the journal’s editorial board.
Since 2021, the Review of Economic Studies has also sponsored a tour of North American universities by promising graduating doctoral students from European universities.
A list of Tour participants up to and including 2021 is available here.
``Firms' attention to the macroeconomy is counter-cyclical and polarized. Attentive firms react more optimally to monetary policy and better mitigate the effects of uncertainty."
Recently accepted to REStud, from Song & Stern:
``The credit card monopoly of 1980s hurt low income households the most. Competitive reforms to the industry in 1970s & 1980s promoted competition => large welfare gains for the poorest U.S. households."
New paper from @KyleHerkenhoff & Raveendranathan: